Andi Fajar Kurniawan, S. T, mulai mendalami dunia Web Developer sejak tahun 2011. Selain menjadi seorang Web Developer, Andi juga seorang Full time Blogger dan penulis artikel pada

The Power of Smile

  The Power of Smile – A smile is just a lip movement, but the wins and big success is often born and raised by him. A very simple movement, and he gets very large results. In a book said that people who easily get promoted in a company and even easier to ride his…

Love = Waiting for a bus

love=waiting4bus Love is the same as those who are waiting for the bus A bus comes, and you say, “Well .. too crowded, cramped, not going to sit comfortably! I just wait for the next bus. “ Then, the next bus arrived. You see it and say, “Oh ya bus is less fun, not good…

Key Achieve Success

Key Achieve Success – When we started to drift off with the world, we are always joking laughter, without thinking about what will happen to us the next morning. we do not know, when we laugh now, so we can cry to the next day. KEY OF GLORY is obey Allah and His Messenger KEY…

Whatever Being Yourself

Being a rock is, though not easy. Because he would keep the sting of a fierce sun shone. Because he will firmly prevent the strong waves roaring hit relentlessly. Because he will fight hard slave blew and struck with a try freezing cold. Because he would keep coming storm hempas constant grind and try to…

Love Itself

Love Itself – Love is a part of nature, people who lost love he is not normal, but many people also suffer because of love. Be grateful people who were given love and affection can respond appropriately. “Decorated for people are the desires of women, offspring, and of heaped up piles of gold and silver, of…

Silence was Golden

Silence was Golden – In an effort to mature us, one of the first steps we have to learn is how to become a person who is also capable of maintaining good oral care and correct. As the Prophet said, “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should say right or shut up.”, The hadith…

Wedding Etiquette

Wedding Etiquette – This is your wedding, do it your way and forget the rest, right? If you plan to make some people happy and quite a few more wondering where your behavior, then that is the way to go. Although we do not want to think or talk about it, wedding etiquette is very…

Lemon Skin Benefits

Lemon Skin Benefits – Lemon is both a small evergreen tree. The fruit is used for culinary and nonculinary purposes throughout the world – primarily for its juice, though the pulp and rind (zest) are also used, mainly in cooking and baking. Lemon juice is about 5% to 6% (approximately 0.3 M) citric acid, which…