Andi Fajar Kurniawan, S. T, mulai mendalami dunia Web Developer sejak tahun 2011. Selain menjadi seorang Web Developer, Andi juga seorang Full time Blogger dan penulis artikel pada

Fasting six days in Shawwal

[ad#info-link-tag-top] [ad#post] Evidence of Shawwal Fasting From Abu Ayyub ra: “The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said:’ Who is fasting Ramadhan and continue with six days in Shawwal, then that’s fast for a lifetime ‘. “[Muslim 1984, Ahmad 5 / 417, Abu Dawood 2433, At-Tirmidhi 1164] Law of Shawwal fasting The statute is sunna: “This…

10 Brain Foods for Children

[ad#info-link-tag-top] [ad#bottom-ads] 10 Brain Food that can help kids get the most from school plus improve brain function, memory, and concentration. 1. Salmon Fatty fish like salmon are an excellent source of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA — both essential for brain growth and function, says Andrea Giancoli, MPH, RD, a Los Angeles…

How to Communicate with The B blood group

People with blood type B is the most practical of all blood groups are there. They are specialists in the field that they do. When they start a project, they will spend more time trying to understand and follow all instructions / directions are needed for that. If you do something, they always focus on…

Proclamation of Indonesian Independence

[ad#info-link-tag-top] [ad#top-link]  The Proclamation of Indonesian Independence (Indonesian: Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia, or simply Proklamasi) was read at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, August 17, 1945. The declaration marked the start of the diplomatic and armed-resistance of the Indonesian National Revolution, fighting against the forces of the Netherlands until the latter officially acknowledged Indonesia’s independence in…


[ad#post] Ramadan (Arabic: رمضان‎ Ramaḍān, Arabic pronunciation:[rɑmɑdˤɑːn]) (also Ramazan, Ramzan, Ramadhan, Ramdan, Ramadaan) is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is the Islamic month of fasting, in which participating Muslims refrain from eating, drinking and sexual activities from dawn until sunset.