Andi Fajar Kurniawan, S. T, mulai mendalami dunia Web Developer sejak tahun 2011. Selain menjadi seorang Web Developer, Andi juga seorang Full time Blogger dan penulis artikel pada

5 Benefits Walk for Health

Walking is usually regarded as the solution to lose weight and reduce calories. But it turns out, the benefits of walking are not limited to making it more slender body. Walk for 30 to 45 minutes each day has benefits both for the health of the body. These five reasons why he should walk into…

A Good Overview Of Market Samurai

I am certain that if you are going to this web page, you will be interested in Market Samurai. When you need Internet Marketing to help you earn big money, you have to have good keywords. Sure you are able to choose the critical phrases that you look up the most. A much better strategy,…

Wealth There are 9 out of 10 in Traders Hand

Enterpreneurship, in recent years become an increasingly frequent topic of discussion. Crisis economic condition in Indonesia since mid 1997 has taught the public that rely hope to others (working on others) was no longer the primary option as which has always been taught by our parents since we were kids. The economic crisis has caused…

How to Build Trust to Others

Before the Prophet Muhammad confirmed as an Apostle, he was very popular among the people of Mecca with the title al-Amin is a very trusted (trust / credibility). This title both before and after does not exist anymore. It was a tremendous influence beliefs and extremely important for career success in the world and life…