Andi Fajar Kurniawan, S. T, mulai mendalami dunia Web Developer sejak tahun 2011. Selain menjadi seorang Web Developer, Andi juga seorang Full time Blogger dan penulis artikel pada


Kere Tapi Mbois – Grammar Suro Boyo 4   BOYO DIGDOYO yang kaya raya tiba tiba bangkrut. Tapi dia tetap semangat untuk mewujudkan cita-citanya. Dia berusaha mencari pinjaman uang termasuk meminjam uang dari Suro Sudiro sahabatnya. Padahal sahabatnya tersebut sedang terjerat kasus video mirip artis.

Tips for Eliminating Shyness

  People with shy nature instinctively save themselves if they missed the awareness of other people. Shyness usually makes a person lose the opportunity, get less pleasure and isolated from social relations. Shyness can take many losses. But for those who possess this property, do not be discouraged, because basically there are many ways to…

5 Habits That Can Make You Look Old

[ad#info-link-tag-top] [ad#post] Anti-aging facial care products are already sold in the market. However, if you keep doing the bad habits, whatever expensive your  anti-aging products, it will not give significant results. Not only look old with wrinkles on the face only, the energy reduction is also a sign you are experiencing aging. There are some…

ABU Robocon 2011

[ad#info-link-tag-top] [ad#post] Theme for ABU Robocon 2011 Bangkok is “Loy Krathong, Lighting Happiness with Friendship”. The theme is adapted from the Loy Krathong ceremony which is a traditional Thai ceremony to honor the Goddess of the river. The vibrant activity is held in Thailand on the full moon night in November every year. A “krathong”…

Meaning of A Handshake

[ad#info-link-tag-top] [ad#post] There is deep meaning behind the handshake. Through style welcome helping hand, you can assess one’s personal. Does she have high self-esteem, assertive, insecure, or not assertive. It is interesting to know the personality behind the habit of shaking hands. Whether it’s father, clients, friends, or men coveted. Here are three related handshake…