All about health article

Is Your Gym Making You Sick?

Want to know the places inside a gym that are most likely to get you sick? Sure you do! Barbells, dumbbells, and weight plates. A basic sneeze can send 100,000 infectious particles into the air at 200 miles an hour–when someone catches those buggers with their hand instead of a tissue (or even an elbow),…

Avocado Benefits For Health

Avocado Benefits For Health – Avocado trees including Lauranceae families from Central America, growing wild in the forest, many planted in gardens and yards that the soil is loose and not waterlogged. Although be fruitful in the lowlands, but the results will be satisfactory when planted at an altitude of 200-1000 m above sea level (asl),…

5 Benefits Walk for Health

Walking is usually regarded as the solution to lose weight and reduce calories. But it turns out, the benefits of walking are not limited to making it more slender body. Walk for 30 to 45 minutes each day has benefits both for the health of the body. These five reasons why he should walk into…

9 Trick To Not Eat Overstated

  9 Trick To Not Eat Overstated – Often we unconsciously eat more servings than they should. Stressed, sad or upset a number of causes people to continue eating and are usually consumed unhealthy foods like potato chips, chocolate cake or ice cream. If you are accustomed to eating excessive portions, it should be reduced…

Steps to Healthy Sleep

Steps to Healthy Sleep  – Quality sleep so many people’s dream. But high levels of stress in daily life sometimes makes people hard to get good sleep. Perform these steps to get healthy sleep. When the body enters sleep stage nonrapid eye movement (nonrapid eye movement / NREM) in most of the night and the cycle…

Benefits of Chocolate for Health

What is the health benefits of chocolate? Benefits of Chocolate for Health – Tenderness and sweetness in Chocolate able to make anyone like him. Besides the sweet, chocolate is also rich in health benefits, especially for the human body. Want to know what are the health benefits of chocolate? Consider carefully the following explanations! 1. Helps vision. In addition to carrots, it turns out chocolate can also help improve eyesight better. Anti-oxidants contained in dark chocolate (dark chocolate) can help to bettereyesight, especially in distinguishing colors and detect a moving image. That’s what health benefits could be obtained if eating chocolate. So, do not feel disappointed if on Valentine’s Day this year you only get a…

Lemon Skin Benefits

Lemon Skin Benefits – Lemon is both a small evergreen tree. The fruit is used for culinary and nonculinary purposes throughout the world – primarily for its juice, though the pulp and rind (zest) are also used, mainly in cooking and baking. Lemon juice is about 5% to 6% (approximately 0.3 M) citric acid, which…

Benefits of Watermelon

Watermelon claimed good to shrink belly fat. Why watermelon is good for eliminating belly fat? That’s because watermelon is a food with low energy density and very little calories even when people eat in large quantities. Foods with low energy density such as the watermelon is very useful for weight loss because it can make…