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Health Tips for Preventing Cancer

Health Tips for Preventing Cancer – Health tips are extremely helpful for breast cancer prevention. By making a few healthy choices in our diets and daily routine, we have the ability to create and maintain breast health. – a number of studies have suggested that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers of green tea may help…

Danger Lunch at Work Table

Danger Lunch at Work Table – Despite the work piling up, forget the lunch is not a good thing. It just is not good to eat on the desk. According to the survey, eating at your desk can be very dangerous! Labor is most often make you forget your lunch or eat at your desk.…

Easy Steps For Breast Cancer Detection

Easy step detection of breast cancer. (Photo: Getty Images) In Indonesia, breast cancer is still took second place as the deadly disease. Early detection with the easy-step method to realize it is prevent it. Cancer that one is indeed still a scourge for the ladies. Whereas, with early detection, disease can be cured. For women who…

Benefits to Stop Smoking In Count Hour

Quitting smoking is a thing not easily done, especially to someone who is very addicted to nicotine. But if you successfully quit smoking, there are profits to be obtained within hours. To achieve this necessary intention, determination and strong commitment and support from the surrounding environment. However, the results obtained will be far more satisfactory…

5 Habits That Can Make You Look Old

[ad#info-link-tag-top] [ad#post] Anti-aging facial care products are already sold in the market. However, if you keep doing the bad habits, whatever expensive your  anti-aging products, it will not give significant results. Not only look old with wrinkles on the face only, the energy reduction is also a sign you are experiencing aging. There are some…

10 Brain Foods for Children

[ad#info-link-tag-top] [ad#bottom-ads] 10 Brain Food that can help kids get the most from school plus improve brain function, memory, and concentration. 1. Salmon Fatty fish like salmon are an excellent source of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA — both essential for brain growth and function, says Andrea Giancoli, MPH, RD, a Los Angeles…

How to Communicate with The B blood group

People with blood type B is the most practical of all blood groups are there. They are specialists in the field that they do. When they start a project, they will spend more time trying to understand and follow all instructions / directions are needed for that. If you do something, they always focus on…