Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari

Although not as popular as big companions like Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali, but the figure could not be released as the most enterprising figures apply egalitarian principles, equality in terms of spending wealth in Allah’s way. Opposed all those who tend to cultivate the property to private interests, including his friends own.

Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq

Abu Bakr was born in 573 AD from a respectable family in Mecca two years and one month after the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Its original name Abdullah Ibn Abu Kuhafah, then he got a degree Ash Siddiq after converting to Islam. Since childhood, he was a famous personage honest, sincere, affectionate, and likes…


Kere Tapi Mbois – Grammar Suro Boyo 4   BOYO DIGDOYO yang kaya raya tiba tiba bangkrut. Tapi dia tetap semangat untuk mewujudkan cita-citanya. Dia berusaha mencari pinjaman uang termasuk meminjam uang dari Suro Sudiro sahabatnya. Padahal sahabatnya tersebut sedang terjerat kasus video mirip artis.