In each of our lives would not be separated from matters of love. Because with the love we can feel the happiness all around. Here are some facts about love …
1. Desire is often mixed in with love, but it’s better you
focuses on the physical traction because they advance it is important
to describe love.
2. Love is a feeling of affection . If you
raise love, rest assured there is affection to be
basis test how deep that the love is.
3. Love was to fade if we not wise to keep it. When
you abandoned love, do not blame yourself because it was
4. Believe me, love never hurts you. If he/she’s hurts you physically & emotionally, this not be the truth of love.
5. Love often test the strength and emotion. If you
wade the love world without recognize the bitterness,It is not the truth of test.
6. Love often invited joy or tears of sorrow. Tears
which flows can hide the hypocritical nature of the reversionary
falsity of love.
7. Love give a great deal of experience love and grief. Every experience there is the instructor.
8. Love is not proper in up but will be in
bottom when it’s time. If at the bottom, do not be quick to despair, try to raise it initially because you have chosen the road.
9. Love is not only dependent on emotion and conscience, love too
require rational thinking and positive.
10. Do not be deceived in love because of an unusual purity
polluted. Holy love last but a manifestation of love in our hearts.
Therefore, we as a devout servant of God, we must ensure that our love is true sincerity for God, because that’s where the gift of God.
Remember that true love is just eternal love to God.