Find Your Stress Sweet Spot

Feeling stressed? Consider yourself blessed. Stress is essential to a happy, healthy life. Really! Recent research has shown that there’s an “anxiety sweet spot,” in which short bursts of stress are actually good for us. “The adrenaline our bodies produce when we feel threatened makes our brain function better, sharpening our focus, improving our mental…

Steps to Healthy Sleep

Steps to Healthy Sleep  – Quality sleep so many people’s dream. But high levels of stress in daily life sometimes makes people hard to get good sleep. Perform these steps to get healthy sleep. When the body enters sleep stage nonrapid eye movement (nonrapid eye movement / NREM) in most of the night and the cycle…

5 Habits That Can Make You Look Old

[ad#info-link-tag-top] [ad#post] Anti-aging facial care products are already sold in the market. However, if you keep doing the bad habits, whatever expensive your  anti-aging products, it will not give significant results. Not only look old with wrinkles on the face only, the energy reduction is also a sign you are experiencing aging. There are some…